While the Bulls are ensconced in downtown Durham, we consider ourselves to be “the Triangle’s Team” given our regional fan base. We’ve been selling over a half million tickets each season and the team’s economic impact on the wider community is pegged at $22million annually per the Durham Convention and Visitors Bureau. 50% of our patrons hail from neighboring Wake County - thank you very much - and to that end we were honored to host the Greater Raleigh Sports Council for lunch and a private batting practice earlier this month.

Thanks to Durham Bulls GM Mike Birling for throwing BP to our guests. We lost track of his pitch count - something well over 200 – and he didn’t need to ice his shoulder afterwards. He’s a front office warrior!
The Greater Raleigh Sports Council will return to the DBAP en masse on June 2nd for a Family Night Out with the Bulls. Click here for info.