Jan was with CBC for twelve years, yet her service could have totaled twice that number. She was passionate about our corporate culture; a “best practices” leader who wanted CBC to be the very best employer in our community.
Manager or employee, you felt that Jan had your back. She was our corporate confidant and consigliere…a great listener…eminently fair. (Jan had an HR director’s fondness for rules and policy. I've never quite measured up in that category!)
Energetic and enthusiastic about everything, Jan was dedicated to Capitol, the Wolfpack, community, church and her family - husband Ed and sons Chas and Hunter. She juggled it all with her Blackberry. It seemed that she was available 24/7.
It’s beyond poignant that Jan passed on the day of our company’s holiday party. I’ve been pondering that, and I can only assume that she favored a festive legacy. Camaraderie and dancing at NC State’s alumni center. It does seem fitting.
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