A recent study rated Durham as the fourth "brainiest" metro in America! Portfolio.com and the Business Journal publications ranked brainpower by MSA. Our metro includes Chapel Hill so we get credit for all the advanced degrees at UNC, Duke, NCCU and the local high techies. Here's the Top Ten:
Boulder, Colo; Ann Arbor, Mich.; Washington, D.C.; Durham, N.C.; Fort Collins, Colo.; Bridgeport-Stamford, Conn.; San Jose, Calif.; Boston; Madison, Wis.; and San Francisco-Oakland.
On the other hand, illiteracy in Durham has been pegged as high as 27%. Those are folks who have difficulty with reading, writing and basic math.
My personal contributions to local brainpower are severely limited, but I have persuaded the Durham Bulls and our beloved mascot to promote literacy, and in particular, the Durham Literacy Center.
The DLC turned 25 this year and is launching a $2.5 million capital campaign to improve/expand its services. The DLC is a United Way Agency of Excellence...well run operation...by Executive Director Reggie Hodges with a deeply committed cadre of volunteers. (www.durhamliteracy.org) Durhamite and Bull Durham producer Thom Mount is a DLC booster...in Hollywood. His late Mother was a long-time volunteer.
Confession: Our READ poster is a knock-off, albiet a clever one. (After all, the E in Wool E. Bull stands for education.) President Obama was ahead of us. He posed for this one as a US Senator for the Skokie IL public library.

Yes, we're buying our friends...but its for a very good cause.