A final post on a subject near and dear to my heart - the United Way of the Greater Triangle...
Despite the Bulls’ 2009 national championship, I like to point out that we’re not really in the baseball business; we’re in the business of family entertainment. I find that particularly rewarding. The Durham Bulls Athletic Park is like a giant rec room - families just hangin’ out…food and drink…kids running wild…lots of conversation, laughter and camaraderie.
But there are things we don’t see at the ballpark - the family secrets: The battered wife. The abused child. Drug addiction. The lonely senior citizen. The illiterate adult. The dying cancer patient in need of hospice care. We don’t see the child at risk because his family has fallen apart. We don’t see the aids patient. We don’t meet the Hispanic family for whom the American Dream seems elusive.
When I support the United Way, I’m helping those people and attacking each and every one of those problems. Plus: Inner city day care, childcare scholarships for low-income families, temporary housing for homeless families, pregnancy counseling, adoption and foster care services. I’m helping the Y, the Girl Scouts and the Red Cross.
The United Way is like a mutual fund for good works. A $17 million dollar portfolio of social/human services…invested wisely in 158 programs at 89 agencies…invested with compassion in our community.
And take a look at this video from Jim Green, a Sr. VP with United Way of the Greater Triangle. Jim was an “at risk” kid. He understands at a very intimate level what it means to LIVE UNITED…
Live United I
Live United II
Web site: United Way of the Greater Triangle