Bulls players wore custom-made camo jerseys last weekend and they will be auctioned off July 4th. Proceeds go to the USO. The jerseys will be on display during Sunday’s game as a silent auction resumes on the ballpark concourse.

That’s Sgt. Slaughter with Wool E. Bull in his camouflage attire at our June 26th game -Military Appreciation Night at the DBAP. Sgt. Slaughter is a rasslin’ legend who inspired the GI Joe action figure that bears his name. Actually, he’s a heck of a nice guy!
There are over 400,000 soldiers stationed in NC. The USO will serve about 50% of them at centers in the Raleigh-Durham International Airport, Charlotte, Jacksonville and Ft. Bragg. At RDU the USO will be moving into the new terminal. SUPPORT OUR TROOPS…and bid on a game-worn camo jersey July 4th.
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