…it took place Tuesday amid a recession at the Durham Bulls Athletic Park, where downtown was welcoming The Law Offices of James Scott Farrin to a building beyond the left-field wall. The law firm's decision to move from Imperial Center, near Research Triangle Park, to 50,000 square feet at downtown's Diamond View II office building was one of the Triangle's biggest deals of the year.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
New Neighbors at the DBAP
Monday, June 22, 2009
Bulls Win! Bulls Win!
Ouch! The Bulls had lost eight in a row, but that got fixed on Monday night. Durham beat Pawtucket winning the Kazmir-Buchholz pitching duel. GAME OVER. What a relief!

A Major League Monday!
We had a great weekend at the Durham Bulls Athletic Park. Despite the team's losing streak 30,000 people bought tickets for the Fri-Sat-Sun series with Pawtucket, Boston's farm team. Not braggin. Merely grateful.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Our new FOWL pole!

The foul pole in the DBAP’s right field corner has been transformed into a FOWL POLE…thanks to Chic-fil-A. CfA is our newest ballpark dining option.
Durham Bulls fans are delighted with the chicken sandwiches, and the CfA spokescows are promoting “eat mor chikin” throughout the ballpark. Co-opting the foul pole is a unique advertising idea. Bovine marketing brilliance! (Bulls' Account Rep Rich Brady deserves some credit, too.)
If you are a CfA fan you know that the restaurants are closed on Sunday. Consequently, we won’t be serving up CfA on Sundays. I certainly respect that.
I have long revered CfA’s success. They have stood firmly on founder Truett Cathy’s faith and principles, seemingly sacrificed 1/7th or better of their market share, yet remained a resounding success in the fast food industry:
“I believe no amount of business school training or work experience can teach what is ultimately a matter of personal character. Businesses are not dishonest or greedy, people are. Thus, a business, successful or not, is merely a reflection of the character of its leadership.” (Truett Cathy)
Read more about the man and his business philosophy. Click here. It’s inspirational!
The current home stand continues through June 22nd. Join us for Bulls' baseball and a Chick-fil-A sandwich.
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BREAKING NEWS...this just in:
The Bulls broke their single game attendance record on Friday night, 6/19. Paid attendance: 11,300.
Breaking a business record in a record recession; that's a good omen!
Thanks to Cree...to their employees and family members. I'm pretty sure that their humongous company picnic pushed us over the top.

Sunday, June 14, 2009
Daytime Baseball - Downtown Durham

US News and World Report has released its Best Places to Live list for 2009 and Durham is in the Top Ten! Click here for story.
The editors looked for affordability, a strong economy and “plenty of fun things to do.” Regarding the latter, the Durham Bulls were worthy of citation:
“…Durham's mild climate allows residents to get out and explore the region's abundant outdoor attractions. Consider hiking one of the many distinct trails and greenways or heading over to the Durham Bulls Athletic Park for an afternoon baseball game.”
It just so happens that we have our last springtime day game this Wednesday at 1:05. The weather looks promising. The Bulls - currently leading the International League South Division - play the Lehigh Valley Iron Pigs, the Philadelphia Phillies Triple A affiliate.
It’s gratifying to get a little attention for the day games. We try to schedule one during each home stand in the spring. I’m sure it will take a few years for this to catch on, but it seems appropriate for a downtown ballpark – especially in our resurgent downtown Durham.
There’s more upside: The players are only promised an off day every thirty days. What a grind! So, the occasional daytime games provide an evening off for the team and staff.
Join us for an afternoon of the National Pastime on Wednesday. Take a personal leave day or call in sick. I’ll sign your physician’s note.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Barkin' in the Ballpark
It’s an immutable law of Internet promotion that pet photos hype web traffic. And this is a shameless attempt to boost my blog’s circulation.
For last Sunday’s game, the Durham Bulls teamed up with the Wake SPCA, the Animal Protection Society of Durham, and Paws4Ever (Orange Co.) to present Bark at the Park.
Dog lovin’ Bulls’ patrons had the opportunity to bring their pets to the game and watch from the Diamond View II plaza atop the Blue Monster. Best seats in the house!
There were myriad insurance and health code concerns that kept the pooches out of the main seating bowl. (I overheard several dogs complaining that they couldn’t get a beer. Yes, I’m a dog whisperer.)
So, here are the pix. Please tell a friend that my blog is awash in canine cuteness.