Bulls’ Director of Media Relations/Promotions, Matt DeMargel, is making the rounds at local high schools this week recruiting students for Explorer Post 50. This unique learning opportunity provides high school students with hands-on television production experience – possibly more exposure to the medium than they would receive in a college-level program!
The teenagers produce our in-house TV feed and over-the-air/cable baseball broadcasts in the Raleigh-Durham television market. The MLB Network picked up a couple of our games last season for national broadcast, and it’s likely that the kids will get a shot at that resume-building experience again this summer!
Matt has been to Orange and Chapel Hill high schools and Durham School of the Arts. Hillside NewTech and Jordan are on his schedule as well. He’s looking for wannabe HD camera operators and fledgling technicians to handle instant replay, graphics and camera control positions on the volunteer broadcast crew. (After a few years in the program, you might work your way up to “director.”)
We ask Post 50 members to commit to working a minimum of five games per season, and most participants do 15-20 broadcasts. A few get the broadcasting bug and you’ll find them here for every game.

Post 50 is part of the Boy Scouts’ Exploring program…for girls, too. Its name is attributable to Fox50, our TV station that airs the Bulls games. The ball club and Fox50 jointly sponsor the Post. Contact Matt DeMargel for more info: mdemargel@durhambulls.com.